As industrialization has become the main agenda on economic development of Tanzania and in addition to the newly found natural gas deposits - a closer look at how Tanzania, as a country, can fully benefit from the sub-sector through the development of local content- becomes inevitable. In the context of Tanzania, local content development is defined as building a workforce that is skilled and building a local competitive supplier base..
To add to the efforts that the government and other stakeholders are putting in seeing that both are successfully achieved, The Science Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization (STIPRO) will be hosting a seminar on Local Content Development and Technological Capability Building in the Tanzanian Oil and Gas Sector.

that deals with energy efficiecy in Ecuador.
The seminar will provide lessons for Tanzania based on evidence gained from Latin America, specifically Ecuador. The seminar will be held at the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) Conference Hall on Wednesday, the 15th February 2017, starting from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
The forum is one of the activities earmarked in the Learning into Practice (LEAP) Award that Mr. Musambya Mutambala, a Research Fellow at STIPRO, won. The objective of the LEAP awards is to support and promote the use of lessons and knowledge gained through the Oil and Gas Local Content-Learning Alliance (ELLA) programme. Consequently, Mr. Musambya participated in a study tour to Ecuador under a joint coordination by Grupo Faro of Ecuador and ACODE of Uganda. The seminar will, therefore, provide e a forum to exchange and share knowledge with relevant stakeholders in the oil and gas sector representing government ministries and departments, the private sector, academia and civil society organizations.