STIPRO Policy Roundtable Explores Future of Renewable Energy in Tanzania
The Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy Research Organization (STIPRO) hosted a significant policy roundtable at the White Sand Conference Centre. The event brought together key stakeholders from private companies, government ministries, and agencies involved in the energy sub-sector to discuss the future of renewable energy in Tanzania. The roundtable followed a series of presentations from a four-year international research project (2021-2025) that aims to shed light on how renewable energy is prioritized across different countries. This collaborative effort, which includes partners from Denmark, Tanzania, and Ghana, seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the energy transition in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries. In attendance were representatives from various private sector entities, alongside officials from the Tanzanian ministries and agencies responsible for energy policy and implementation. The discussions were driven by insights from the research project, which is being carried out by several prestigious institutions: the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), STIPRO, the University of Dar es Salaam, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), and the University of Ghana. The research project, under the stewardship of these institutions, is focused on understanding the factors that influence the prioritization of different energy technologies…
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STIPRO Host a DFS Dissemination Workshop
The Science Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization (STIPRO) in collaboration with the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has hosted a dissemination workshop themed “Delivering Digital Financial Services for the Poor.” This collaborative event aimed at disseminating the latest research findings on digital financial inclusion for the poor specifically for Tanzania. These findings are a result of a project on Financial Inclusion and market Development in East African community economies, a project involving six East African countries namely Kenya , Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burudi and South Sudan. The Opening session of the event was led by Dr. Bitrina Diyamett, Exceutive Director of STIPRO and Diana Muchai from the AERC, and graced by a speech from Dr. Jaha Mvulla, Director of Research, Innovation and Training at Tanzanian e – Government Agency (eGA). The workshop provided a platform to present and stir discussion from the findings of three research project titled “Taxation on mobile money transfers: who hurts more? Individuals or businesses?” by Karia Sekumbo, Noella Ringo and Constantine Manda; “Digital innovation ecosystem development for financial inclusion and market access: a case of Tanzania” by Dennis Mwighusa and Bitrina Diyamett and “Digital financial services through…
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Thinking Industrialization and Energy In Tanzania
STIPRO is planning to hold a one day multi stakeholder event and discuss Challenges and opportunities of energy for industrialization in Tanzania. The event is to take place on the 5th of October at the COSTECH conference room. The main objective of the roundtable event is to discuss challenges and opportunities of access to reliable energy for industrialization—addressing the information gap and charting the way forward. Key stakeholders are invited to participate and enrich the content and consequent outputs of this activity. Drawing from the long-standing experience in multi-stakeholder engagements and coordination of the national level policy dialogues, STIPRO brings together the key stakeholders on the energy and industrial development sectors for this roundtable. Invited participants for the roundtable will represent the policy and regulatory bodies from relevant government ministries and departments, energy and manufacturing investors, industry associations, international development agencies, academia and think tanks on energy and industrial sectors, and the press. Aside from the selected informed expert presentations, participants will be able to discuss and share their experiences and network. Topics…
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STIPRO Annual Research Dissemination Workshop-2017
Friday, October 27, 2017 On Friday the 27th October 2017 STIPRO held its Annual Research Dissemination Workshop themed Innovation capabilities and interactive learning: The role of institutions. Building innovation capabilities becomes fundamental because firms with such capabilities are able to compete and survive in market places. Such capabilities are enabled by interactive learning as firms do not innovate in isolation. Developing countries, Tanzania included, are characterized by limited capacity to develop new, or to adopt and improve upon existing technologies; and consequently the vast majority is slow in sustaining increased production. Thus, institutions play an important role in the process of building firms’ innovation capabilities. A group photo of workshop participants The event took place at the classical hall at Blue Pearls Hotel (Dar Es Salaam) and graced presence of National Institute for Productivity (NIP), Mr. Novatus Massao as a guest of Honor. STIPRO organizes a research workshop annually with the aim of disseminating research results, raising awareness of and engaging in dialogue with various stakeholders on issues around Science, Technology and Innovation. There were six presentations delivered and discussed during the workshop. The first presentation was a conceptual paper delivered by Dr. Vera Mugittu on Building innovation capabilities for agricultural development: The role of institutions’. Other presentations were from Dr. Gussai Sheikheld in on Reforming Public Technology Intermediaries in Tanzania: A Policy Learning Study’; Mr. Heric Thomas on Avocado Processing: Assessing the Role of Stakeholders in the Innovation System”, Mr. Innocent Wawa on Understanding Knowledge Systems for Innovation: A Study on Business Ideas Developed by Business Incubators in Tanzania’; Ms. Lanta Daniel on ‘Finance and Innovation: The Case of Micro and Small Sunflower Oil Processors’ and the last presentation was on the ongoing project funded by the European commission on Integrated aquaculture based on sustainable water recirculating system for the Victoria Lake Basin which was delivered by Mr. Musambya Mutambala.The workshop ended at 17hrs with the executive director of STIPRO Dr. Bitrina Diyamett giving the closing remarks and thanked the participant for a vigorous discussions and participation. Dr. Vera Mugittu Presenting:Building innovation capabilities for agricultural development: The role of institutions’. Dr. Gussai Sheikheld Presenting: Reforming Public Technology Intermediaries in Tanzania: A Policy Learning Study’ Mr. Innocent Wawa presenting: Understanding Knowledge Systems for Innovation: A Study on Business Ideas Developed by Business Incubators in Tanzania’ Ms. Lanta Daniel Presenting: ‘Finance and Innovation: The Case of Micro and Small Sunflower Oil Processors Mr. Musambya Mutambala Preseting: Integrated aquaculture based on sustainable water recirculating system for the Victoria Lake Basin Workshop participants following the session closely Mr. T. Mlaki (right in grey suit) hosting and moderating the workshop
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2016 Annual Research Dissemination Workshop
On Friday the 30th September 2016 STIPRO held its Annual Research Dissemination Workshop at, Ubungo Plaza, in Dar es Salaam. This Research Dissemination Workshop is one of the ways of popularizing and disseminating of information that has been generated through ST&I policy research. This year, four presentations were made, where two presentations were on most recently completed research undertakings. The first, presented by Ms. Neema Risha and Mr. Heric Thomas, looked at the opportunities available to small scale farmers when they are integrated into a Global Value Chain; and the second paper addressed the lock-in syndrome in subsistence farming presented by Dr. Vera Mugittu. In addition to the empirical papers, Dr Bitrina presented a conceptual paper on agricultural productivity and structural transformation; and the last presentation by Ms. Lanta Daniel reviewed the history of industrialization in Africa. After each presentation ample time was allocated in order to thoroughly discuss the presentations. The discussions were held in both Swahili and English to allow for a more inclusive discussion. During the opening remarks it was argued that the discussions should not end there, but should be continued further once participants of the workshop returned to their place of work. STIPRO thanked the workshop participants and welcomed additional feedback after the workshop through emails and social networks. Ms. Neema Risha, an Assistant Research Fellow with STIPRO presenting preliminary findings Dr. Diyamett Executive Director of STIPRO talking to the media Workshop participants Cross-section of workshop participants Mr. John Masaki of MUVIWAPASI (An Association of Avocado Farmers in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania) giving a background on the avocado sub-sector in Kilimanjaro. Mr. Adam Zuku (Executive secretary at TEGAMAT) elaborating on the history of Tanzania Industrialization. Dr. Vera Mugittu presenting a paper on how to "un-lock" subsistence poultry farming in the rural areas.
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