Science, Technology and Innovation for Poverty Reduction in Tanzania

Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world. Like many other poor countries and in particular African countries, it is grappling with the poverty challenge nearly five decades after independence. A growing body of literature on poverty identifies a critical link between poverty reduction, growth and technology. Using the concept of Sectoral Systems of Innovation (SSI) this study examines the deficiencies in the three sectoral system of innovation in the Tanzania national economy. The study is divided into two parts: part one to which this report belong, maps out, analyses and determine the level of adequacy of the supply side of the three sectoral systems of innovation. The study argues that while most of the system elements for all the three sectors are in place, two major challenges are found to be facing the policies. One is that they are not explicit on how to facilitate the interaction of the actors in the sectoral systems of innovation. And second, most of the policies are of the supply side type, with no trace of demand side innovation policies. Part two of the study is envisioned to determine the impact of the supply side elements on the innovativeness of the producers and service providers (demand side of the innovation).