STIPRO host a Roundtable on the Role of Research in Development in Tanzania, Thursday 30th July 2015. Recognizing the utility value of research in Development, STIPRO shall host a round-table discussion “Role of Research in Development in Tanzania” on 30th July 2015. The event will take place at Kisenga’s LAPF International Conference Center, 14th Floor, Kijitonyama, Opposite Village Museum.
The event is expected to bring together stakeholders from government, academia, research community, civil society organizations, donor agencies, and the press. The discussion will be centered on the two major utility values of research including creating new products for social economic development and influencing decision making. More specifically, below are the topics that will be discussed during the event;
- The role of the natural sciences and engineering related research in development; its status in Tanzania, challenges and way forward.
- The role of social sciences research in development; its status in Tanzania, challenges and way forward.
- The role of research in innovation
- The role of research in mass media and advocacy.
- National mechanisms for the promotion, coordination and funding of research.